Thursday, December 27, 2007

Agile/Process Questions

1,What is a stand up meeting? Whats the duration of a standup meeting?

A stand-up meeting (or simply stand-up) is a daily team meeting held to provide a status update of the work done to the team members. The meetings are usually of 5-15 minutes and are held standing up to remind people to keep the meeting short and to the point. They are called morning rollcall or the dailyscrum.

2, What is a product backlog?(SCRUM)

A product backlog is a prioritised list of project requirements with estimated times to turn them into completed product functionality. Estimates are in days and are more precise the higher the item is in the Product Backlog priority. Priority should be assigned based on the items of most value to the business or that offer the earliest Return on Investment. This list should evolve, changing as the business conditions or technology changes.

3, What is a User Story?(XP)

User stories serve the same purpose as use cases but are not the same. They are used to create time estimates for the release planning. They are also used instead of a large requirements document. User Stories are written by customer as things that the system needs to do for them.

4. How is estimation done in agile process?
This is beyond the scope of the blog since estimation technique varies for different practices. Do a google search on it. is a good quick link.

5, What is a sprint backlog?(SCRUM)

The Sprint backlog is a list of tasks that defines a Team's work for a Sprint. The list emerges during Sprint planning

6. What is the difference between agile methodology and other methodologies?
Pls check

7. What is the maximum team size for an agile project.

It is a debated topic. Many blogs say 20 is the max size. But I personally know a project of team size 100 whicj is well executed. I don't know whether they are conducting a standup meeting every day:-) So be careful-you are free to answer above 20.

8. Given a choice, will you work in agile or waterfall process?

Normally the answer depends on which project are you going to get recruited for. You may not know it. So be cautious in answering it. Just mention that you are flexible and will work for the project not for the process. Process is a tool to achieve the project goals.

9. Who assigns the work to you?

Varies for different agile methodologies. Mostly people pick their own task after discussion.

10. Who decides how many features, stories should be completed in one iteration?

The team. Team includes customer also.

11. Why do you need a stand up meeting, sprint meeting etc?

Pls do a google search on it. There is a motive behind all the agile practices. Be conversant with the each one in your methodology.


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